What is ASAS?

ADAS, which stands for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, enhances the safety features in your vehicle.

Drop The Shop Auto, the ADAS Calibrations Professionals, provide Static and Dynamic Calibrations to ensure your vehicle's safety features are working as they are intended to.

What's the difference between Static and Dynamic?

  • Static: A Static Calibration is performed in a stationary setting. This calibration uses a scan tool, targets, and other specialized ADAS equipment.
  • Dynamic: A Dynamic Calibration is performed when the vehicle is in motion. This calibration uses a special device that is plugged into the vehicle.
  • Dual: Both Static and Dynamic Calibrations are performed.

When is an ADAS Calibration required?

An ADAS Calibration should be completed any time a vehicle's ADAS components are adjusted/replaced or when required by the manufacturer. If your ADAS features do not get recalibrated to work as they are intended to, they will not be able to function at their factory standards.

These are some of the reasons a calibration may be required.

  • If your vehicle has ever:
    • Been in a minor collision or had collision repair
    • Had components disconnected or replaced
    • Had a sensor or mounting bracket removed or replaced
    • Had any bodywork done to your vehicle (mirrors, windshield/windows, front grille, tailgate, etc.)
    • Had suspension repairs.
    • Had a wheel alignment.
    • Had a change in tire size
    • Had a change in ride height

The Risks of NOT Calibrating
  • If you choose not to get your vehicle calibrated:
    • The risk of the system not working properly is higher
    • The ADAS feature could malfunction, stop working or interfere when it shouldn't.
    • It could be dangerous to you, other drivers on the road and pedestrians